Follow the eldest son of a farming family in Bumpkin Boy’s Bizarre Adventures, as he leaves his rural lifestyle to seek higher education in the city. Living with a family friend and her two daughters, this bumpkin boy’s journey is filled with wild and unexpected encounters. While the main focus is on school life, much of the excitement takes place outside of the classroom, making for an immersive and dynamic experience.
Important Note:
- Order of Play: Start with Bumpkin Boy’s Bizarre Adventures v0.14 (Chapter 1) before progressing to any version after v0.14.
- Chapters: Version 0.15 and beyond mark a new chapter that is incompatible with 0.14. The game is divided into two parts—Chapter 1 (up to v0.14e) is one file, and Chapter 2 (v0.15+) is another file. No need for save files from the first chapter to play the second.
Key Features:
- A mix of school life and outside-the-classroom adventures.
- Meet and interact with multiple characters, including your two housemates.
- Choices matter—your decisions influence relationships and story outcomes.
- Varied and exciting events that take place across the city and beyond.
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Step into the life of a country boy in the big city, filled with both learning and thrilling experiences in Bumpkin Boy’s Bizarre Adventures.